(name=None, resource_defs=None, logger_defs=None, executor_defs=None, description=None, intermediate_storage_defs=None)[source]¶Define a mode in which a pipeline can operate.
A mode provides pipelines with a set of resource implementations, loggers, system storages, and executors.
name (Optional[str]) – The name of the mode. Must be unique within the
to which the mode is attached. (default: “default”).
resource_defs (Optional[Dict[str, ResourceDefinition]]) – A dictionary of string resource keys to their implementations. Individual solids may require resources to be present by these keys.
logger_defs (Optional[Dict[str, LoggerDefinition]]) – A dictionary of string logger identifiers to their implementations.
executor_defs (Optional[List[ExecutorDefinition]]) – The set of executors available when
executing in this mode. By default, this will be the ‘in_process’ and ‘multiprocess’
executors (default_executors
description (Optional[str]) – A human-readable description of the mode.
intermediate_storage_defs (Optional[List[IntermediateStorageDefinition]]) – The set of intermediate storage options available when executing in this mode. By default, this will be the ‘in_memory’ and ‘filesystem’ system storages.
(config_schema=None, description=None, required_resource_keys=None, version=None)[source]¶Define a resource.
The decorated function should accept an InitResourceContext
and return an instance of
the resource. This function will become the resource_fn
of an underlying
If the decorated function yields once rather than returning (in the manner of functions
decorable with @contextlib.contextmanager
) then
the body of the function after the yield will be run after execution resolves, allowing users
to write their own teardown/cleanup logic.
config_schema (Optional[ConfigSchema]) – The schema for the config. Configuration data available in init_context.resource_config. If not set, Dagster will accept any config provided.
description (Optional[str]) – A human-readable description of the resource.
version (Optional[str]) – (Experimental) The version of a resource function. Two wrapped resource functions should only have the same version if they produce the same resource definition when provided with the same inputs.
required_resource_keys (Optional[Set[str]]) – Keys for the resources required by this resource.
(resource_fn=None, config_schema=None, description=None, required_resource_keys=None, version=None)[source]¶Core class for defining resources.
Resources are scoped ways to make external resources (like database connections) available to solids during pipeline execution and to clean up after execution resolves.
If resource_fn yields once rather than returning (in the manner of functions decorable with
) then the body of the
function after the yield will be run after execution resolves, allowing users to write their
own teardown/cleanup logic.
Depending on your executor, resources may be instantiated and cleaned up more than once in a pipeline execution.
resource_fn (Callable[[InitResourceContext], Any]) – User-provided function to instantiate
the resource, which will be made available to solid executions keyed on the
config_schema (Optional[ConfigSchema) – The schema for the config. If set, Dagster will check that config provided for the resource matches this schema and fail if it does not. If not set, Dagster will accept any config provided for the resource.
description (Optional[str]) – A human-readable description of the resource.
required_resource_keys – (Optional[Set[str]]) Keys for the resources required by this resource. A DagsterInvariantViolationError will be raised during initialization if dependencies are cyclic.
version (Optional[str]) – (Experimental) The version of the resource’s definition fn. Two wrapped resource functions should only have the same version if they produce the same resource definition when provided with the same inputs.
(config_or_config_fn, config_schema=None, description=None)¶Wraps this object in an object of the same type that provides configuration to the inner object.
config_or_config_fn (Union[Any, Callable[[Any], Any]]) – Either (1) Run configuration
that fully satisfies this object’s config schema or (2) A function that accepts run
configuration and returns run configuration that fully satisfies this object’s
config schema. In the latter case, config_schema must be specified. When
passing a function, it’s easiest to use configured()
config_schema (ConfigSchema) – If config_or_config_fn is a function, the config schema that its input must satisfy.
description (Optional[str]) – Description of the new definition. If not specified, inherits the description of the definition being configured.
Returns (ConfigurableDefinition): A configured version of this object.
(value, description=None)[source]¶A helper function that creates a ResourceDefinition
with a hardcoded object.
value (Any) – A hardcoded object which helps mock the resource.
description ([Optional[str]]) – The description of the resource. Defaults to None.
A hardcoded resource.
(description=None)[source]¶A helper function that creates a ResourceDefinition
which wraps a mock.MagicMock
description ([Optional[str]]) – The description of the resource. Defaults to None.
you mock existing resources.
(resource_config, resource_def, pipeline_run=None, log_manager=None, resource_instance_dict=None, required_resource_keys=None, instance=None, pipeline_def_for_backwards_compat=None)[source]¶Resource-specific initialization context.
¶The configuration data provided by the environment config. The schema
for this data is defined by the config_field
argument to
¶The definition of the resource currently being constructed.
¶The log manager for this run of the pipeline
¶The resources that are available to the resource that we are initalizing.
¶The pipeline run to use. When initializing resources outside of execution context, this will be None.
(**kwargs)[source]¶A helper function that creates a ResourceDefinition
to take in user-defined values.
This is useful for sharing values between solids.
**kwargs – Arbitrary keyword arguments that will be passed to the config schema of the returned resource definition. If not set, Dagster will accept any config provided for the resource.
For example:
def my_solid_a(context):
resource_defs={"globals": make_values_resource(my_str_var=str, my_int_var=int)}
def my_pipeline():
A resource that passes in user-defined values.