
Modes and Resources#

Resources provide a way to manage dependencies to external APIs. Together with modes, they can be used to represent multiple different execution environments for a pipeline.

Relevant APIs#

@resourceThe decorator used to define resources. The decorated function is called a resource_fn. The decorator returns a ResourceDefinition.
ResourceDefinitionClass for resource definitions. You almost never want to use initialize this class directly. Instead, you should use the @resource which returns a ResourceDefinition.
ModeDefinitionClass used to define a pipeline mode.


You can use resources to access features of the execution environments to solids during pipeline execution. You can use modes to bind a set of resources (and other environment information) to a pipeline so that those resources can be available to the solids within a pipeline. You can provide multiple modes to a pipeline, each with different resources, to represent the execution environments that your pipeline will be run within.

Why Use Resources and Modes#

Representing external dependencies as resources, in conjunction with modes, have very convenient properties:

  • Pluggable: You can map a resource to a key in one mode, and then map a different resource to that same key in a different mode. This is useful if there is a heavy external dependency that you want to use in production, but avoid using it in testing. You can simply provide different modes for each execution case: one for production with the heavy dependency (e.g., AWS) as a resource, and one for testing with something lighter (i.e., in-memory store) mapped to the same key. For more information about this capability, check out Separating Business Logic from Environments.
  • Pipeline Scoped: Since resources are pipeline scoped, if you provide a resource to a mode, then it becomes available for use with every solid in that pipeline.
  • Configurable: Resources can be configured, using a strongly typed configuration system.
  • Dependencies: Resources can depend on other resources. This makes it possible to cleanly represent external environment objects that rely on other external environment information for initialization.

Defining a Resource#

To define a resource, use the @resource decorator. Wrap a function that takes an init_context as the first parameter, which is an instance of InitResourceContext. From this function, return or yield the object that you would like to be available as a resource.

class ExternalCerealFetcher:
    def fetch_new_cereals(self, start_ts, end_ts):

def cereal_fetcher(init_context):
    return ExternalCerealFetcher()

Accessing Resources in Solids#

Solids use resource keys to access resources, like so:

CREATE_TABLE_1_QUERY = "create table_1 as select * from table_0"

def solid_requires_resources(context):

Defining a Mode#

To define a mode, construct a ModeDefinition. Each resource definition provided to the mode should be mapped to a unique key.

mode_def_ab = ModeDefinition(
        "a": resource_a,
        "b": resource_b,

Providing Modes to a Pipeline#

Modes can be provided to a pipeline via the mode_defs argument on the @pipeline decorator.

@pipeline(mode_defs=[mode_def_ab, mode_def_c])
def pipeline_with_mode():

Selecting a Mode during Execution#

Python API#

When executing a pipeline using execute_pipeline, you can toggle between modes by providing the mode name to the mode parameter.

execute_pipeline(pipeline_with_mode, mode="ab_mode")

In Dagit#

When Launching the pipeline via the Dagit Playground, you can select a mode from the mode selector dropdown:

Modes in Dagit

Dagster CLI#

When launching a pipeline via the CLI, you can use the -d option to specify the mode.

$ dagster pipeline execute -d prod_mode my_pipeline


Resource Configuration#

ResourceDefinitions can have a config schema, which allows you to customize behavior at runtime through pipeline configuration.

For example, let's say we wanted to pass a connection string to our DatabaseConnection resource.

class DatabaseConnection:
    def __init__(self, connection: str):
        self.connection = connection

@resource(config_schema={"connection": str})
def db_resource(init_context):
    connection = init_context.resource_config["connection"]
    return DatabaseConnection(connection)

Resource to Resource Dependencies#

Resources can depend upon other resources. Use the required_resource_keys parameter of the @resource decorator to specify which resources to depend upon. Access the required resources through the context object provided to the wrapped function.

def foo_resource(_):
    return "foo"

def emit_foo(init_context):
    return init_context.resources.foo

Note that the required keys provided must be provided to the same mode as the requiring resource, and that dependencies between resources cannot be cyclic.

ModeDefinition(resource_defs={"foo": foo_resource, "emit": emit_foo})